Hey, Team! Rowyn here. I revisit this little post every year for myself, so thought it would be a good idea to share it with all of you!
Here's how to keep your resolutions for the new year:
Make a list:
- Write down everything you want to change or accomplish this year...
- Then cut that down to reasonable things.
For example, “eat healthy” might be a bit better than, “marry that movie star.”
Detail that list:
Having things like “Go to the gym more often” wind up meaningless really fast because they are vague and therefore make it easy to come up with excuses to avoid.
- Instead, write things like, “Go to the gym X amount of hours, X amount of days a week…” and write exactly what you plan to work on while there.
- You can even go to someone who works at the gym the first day and ask what kinds of exercises and machines you should do to achieve your goal.
This process works for pretty much any goal, not just working out!
Mini goals:
- Having mini goals along the way can help you remember that you are making progress, which will help your desire to continue.
- Mini goals also give you something to build on in order to get to another level or step of your ultimate goal.
- Make sure to reward yourself each step of the way!
Do you wanna?
- Make sure you actually WANT to do the things on your list, or that they will make you healthier, or better your life in some way.
- Sometimes, we say we’ll do things just because other people want us to do them.
- This makes it less likely to actually stick to it, for obvious reasons.
That being said, if something is on your list because a friend is doing it also and wants a buddy, you should probably stick to it for the sake of friendship.
All else fails?
- If you can find an excuse to quit, you can find an excuse to continue.
- Make up a reason why it would benefit you to stick with the resolution, even if it is just a sense of pride and bragging rights.
Along those lines, if you don't really want to eat more healthy or keep track of something else medical but your doctor tells you to do so... You might want to just suck it up and try it anyway.
Who knows?
Your doctor might be right and you might start to feel awesome.
Have a buddy:
It isn’t necessary, but having someone else hold you accountable and having the drive to stick to it too will benefit you both.
(This can be in person or online.)
If you find that it isn’t working out, you can change something about your routine.
Ask around and see how other people achieved similar goals.
Form a habit!
Like brushing your teeth, if you do something every day, eventually you’ll do it without even thinking about it.
Do research:
This works for above examples, as well pretty much everything else in life.
Want to learn a new skill? Find a teacher or online tutorials.
What does it take? What supplies will you need?
Start small though.
Getting too involved too fast may cost you a lot of money for something you might wind up not actually enjoying.
You can always build up on supplies once you know that you want to continue.
Help is good!
In some cases, you may want to go to your doctor to see what the healthiest way is to achieve your goals.
Do this especially if your goal involves ANY kind of diet or exercise plan.
In other cases, you may want to find and go to a counselor or a psychologist if your goal involves facing a long standing fear or even attending to social problems.
It doesn’t have to be something huge in order to seek professional help.
In fact, asking for some kind of help is always recommended, no matter what your goals may be.
Write down your progress:
- On a calendar, or even sticky notes, write down every single time you accomplish a part of your goal.
- Even a tiny accomplishment.
- Say how many hours you did it, or what mini goal you met.
- If you organize your main goal, mini goals, and steps to get there by date on the calendar to begin with, this will be easy to see.